handedness toggle

Recently, I got an iPad for art and immediately fell down the rabbit hole of Glitch and web development.

When creating the rescue Trans rescue site, I started with a right-aligned navbar. While developing and testing on my iPad, I got in the habit of hovering my hand over the top-right corner of the tablet, always ready to try the light/dark toggle or switch pages.

And then I thought about left-handed people - left handed tablet or touchscreen users in particular. Reaching across the screen repeatedly would start to be a real drag, wouldn’t it?

Ok, let’s make a toggle!

(Want to just see the outcome? Head on down the page to the summary.)

the button

First we’ll need some HTML for our button. I added this to my menu:

<button id="alignment"
		title="toggle left/right navbar alignment"
		aria-label="toggle left/right navbar alignment"
	<!-- autopopulated by nav.js -->

It’s important to note here that I added it to the beginning of the menu list. I want it to be the first item in the list so that it points over the left side of the screen with nothing obstructing it.

handling narrow screens

Let’s quickly take a moment to ensure that the toggle only shows up on wider screens with a bit of CSS:

@media (max-width: 500px) {
	#alignment {
		display: none;

Now users on phones won’t have an unhelpful button taking screen space.

Now let’s move to nav.js and define some consts for ease of use. We’re going to use Font Awesome icons for this button, so we’ll go grab their HTML for the left and right pointing hands.

const ALIGN = "alignment"
const LEFT = "left"
const RIGHT = "right"

const LEFT_ICON = '<i class="fa-regular fa-hand-point-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>';
const RIGHT_ICON = '<i class="fa-regular fa-hand-point-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>';

We’ll use localStorage to store and retrieve alignment preferences:

let align = localStorage.getItem(ALIGN);

and we’ll grab the button we defined in HTML:

let alignToggle = document.getElementById(ALIGN);

setting icons

Next, let’s structure out some functions. We’ll fill them in more as we figure out what we need.

function setAlignRight() {
	// If we're aligned on the right, the toggle should point to the left
	alignToggle.innerHTML = LEFT_ICON;

function setAlignLeft() {
	// If we're aligned on the left, the toggle should point to the right
	alignToggle.innerHTML = RIGHT_ICON;

// This function changes the alignment to the given value
// It also runs at startup to set alignment
function changeAlign(align) {
	switch (align) {
		case LEFT:
		case null:
			// If nothing is set, default to right alignment
			align = RIGHT;
		case RIGHT:
	// Set localStorage for next time
	localStorage.setItem(ALIGN, align);

// Run at startup

// This function handles the actual flip-flopping of the alignment value
function toggleAlign() {
	if (align === LEFT) align = RIGHT;
	else align = LEFT;


// Attach the toggle function to the alignToggle as a click listener
alignToggle.addEventListener("click", toggleAlign);

So that gets us the basic functionality of changing the icon when the toggle is clicked. However, it does nothing for the navbar alignment. What do we need for that?


Well, that depends on your navbar CSS. For this, let’s run through the simplest possible version: your navbar is a flexbox and all items are treated equally. Maybe your CSS looks sorta like this:

#navbar {
	position: sticky;
	top: 0 px;
	width: 100%;
	display: flex;
	/* This is the line that matters to us */
	/* we'll want to swap between flex-start and flex-end */
	justify-content: flex-end;

Let’s add that justify-content setting to our JS (as well as a line to fetch the navbar by id):

let navbar = document.getElementById("navbar");

function setAlignRight() {
	alignToggle.innerHTML = LEFT_ICON;
	navbar.style.justifyContent = "flex-end";
	// If you have other necessary style changes, add them here

function setAlignLeft() {
	alignToggle.innerHTML = RIGHT_ICON;
	navbar.style.justifyContent = "flex-start";
	// If you have other necessary style changes, add them here

Now, the menu should re-orient itself when we interact with the toggle. However, you’ll notice that the left-aligned menu shows up in the same order as the right aligned menu: handedness toggle first, then the rest of the menu.

(Forgive the lack of continuity with the header image.)

the navbar of this site in dark mode. from left to right, there's pink and blue icons of: a hand pointing right, images, file folder, user/person, opened mail, and a lightbulb.

moving the button

I don’t want that; I want the handedness toggle to always point, unobstructed, to the side of the screen it moves things to. So let’s move it around when we set alignment. It’ll need to be the first item in the menu list for right-handed alignment, and the last item for left-handed. We can do that with prepend() and append().

function setAlignRight() {
	alignToggle.innerHTML = LEFT_ICON;
	navbar.style.justifyContent = "flex-end";

function setAlignLeft() {
	alignToggle.innerHTML = RIGHT_ICON;
	navbar.style.justifyContent = "flex-start";

Cool! Now we have a menu that re-aligns itself and repositions the alignment button.

The same navbar, now with elements reordered. The hand pointing right now lands at the end of the menu. Incidentally, the theme button has also been swapped and is at the start of the menu but that's not relevant.

keyboard navigation

Oooh, but wait: keyboard navigation is broken.

When I tab over to the alignment button and hit Enter/space, it does what we expect, but it also loses keyboard focus. Because of that little prepend()/append() move, the element is removed from the DOM and re-added in a new location - now without focus. We’ll need to add focus back to the alignToggle manually, so it’s not lost.

We can do that with the .focus() function:

function toggleAlign() {
	if (align === LEFT) align = RIGHT;
	else align = LEFT;


	// Replace focus on the toggle that's been moved

Ok, now focus is maintained… but it also shows up after a mouse click, not just a keyboard interaction. That’s a little irritating. How do we fix that?

managing focus

toggleAlign() is an event handler, which means it can optionally take an event var. For “click” events, that event var includes a field detail which provides the click count. This can be used to disambiguate single vs double clicks, or it can be used to test for keyboard interaction, which creates zero clicks.

Let’s add that in:

function toggleAlign(event) {
	if (align === LEFT) align = RIGHT;
	else align = LEFT;


	// Zero clicks means this was a keyboard interaction
	// Replace focus on the toggle that's been moved
	if (event.detail === 0) alignToggle.focus();

Now we should only replace visible focus for keyboard interactions.

Navbar showing handedness toggle in focus, pointing right. It has a bright blue outline, pink background, and dark icon image.

thanks for reading

Want to see further changes? Found a bug with this implementation? Contact me!


Here’s the referenced HTML, CSS, and JS in full:


<button id="alignment"
		title="toggle left/right navbar alignment"
		aria-label="toggle left/right navbar alignment"
	<!-- autopopulated by nav.js -->


#navbar {
	position: sticky;
	top: 0 px;
	width: 100%;
	display: flex;
	/* nav.js handles justify-content instead */
	/* justify-content: flex-end; */

/* Remove the handedness toggle on narrow screens */
@media (max-width: 500px) {
	#alignment {
		display: none;


const ALIGN = "alignment"
const LEFT = "left"
const RIGHT = "right"

const LEFT_ICON = '<i class="fa-regular fa-hand-point-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>';
const RIGHT_ICON = '<i class="fa-regular fa-hand-point-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>';

let align = localStorage.getItem(ALIGN);
let alignToggle = document.getElementById(ALIGN);

function setAlignRight() {
	alignToggle.innerHTML = LEFT_ICON;
	navbar.style.justifyContent = "flex-end";

function setAlignLeft() {
	alignToggle.innerHTML = RIGHT_ICON;
	navbar.style.justifyContent = "flex-start";

function changeAlign(align) {
	switch (align) {
		case LEFT:
		case null:
			align = RIGHT;
		case RIGHT:
	localStorage.setItem(ALIGN, align);


function toggleAlign(event) {
	if (align === LEFT) align = RIGHT;
	else align = LEFT;


	if (event.detail === 0) alignToggle.focus();

alignToggle.addEventListener("click", toggleAlign);

category: reference

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