give to trans orgs and people
posted on by Lee Cattarin

This is a collation of responses to a fediverse post I made.
For reference, I also have a list set up at /give that lists a number of great nonprofits.
- 17 Black-Led LGBTQ+ Services and Groups You Can Support Right Now
- Black Trans-Led Organizations
- Donate to These Orgs to Support Black Trans People
- Advocates for Trans Equality (A4TE) (formerly National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) and Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund (TLDEF))
- Black Trans Fund
- For the Gworls
- Gays and Lesbians Living in a Transgender Society (GLITS)
- Gender Justice League
- HRT- Harm Reduction Toolkit
- Lambda Legal
- Point of Pride
- Project Rainbow Turtle
- Trans Justice Funding Project - also worth looking at their grantees for further ideas
- Trans Lifeline
- Trans Rescue
- Trans Youth Emergency Project
- TransFamily Support Services
- Transgender Law Center
- True Colors United
If you are listed here and would like to be removed, just get in touch with me.
Aldercone Studio
Luke Orion
Thank you to these wonderful folks (and many more who chose to remain uncredited) for the links/orgs:
category: reference
see more gender