on the ubiquity of 'enby'

(originally posted on fedi)

according to gender census, which surveys “people whose genders are not adequately described, expressed or encompassed by the restrictive gender binary”:

  • ~64% of respondents use the term “nonbinary”
  • ~32% of respondents use the term “enby”

source: gender census - identity words (this was a “choose all that apply” question, not “either/or”)

we don’t know the overlap - it could be that half of nonbinary people also use enby, or that bunches of people use enby who don’t call themselves nonbinary

either way, there’s a big chunk of nonbinary folks who don’t call themselves enby - at least half of us

if you’re talking about the entire community or the gender category: please consider just saying nonbinary

category: reference

see more gender